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    How To Improve Sound Quality On Your Galaxy Smartphone

    Some users despise Samsung for adding a lot of bloatware to their TouchWiz UI but I wouldn't blame them for such. It can sometimes be a good thing. It comes with a special Adapt Sound Feature that relatively improves sound quality on the device. 

    This feature is not known to most users but it can ultimately be the one for audiophiles. If you are among those who aren’t satisfied with the sound quality of their Samsung Galaxy device, check out the tutorial below.

    Note: Adapt Sound feature is only available on Samsung Galaxy devices running Android 6.0 Marshmallow and later.

    Step 1: Navigate to the Adapt Sound Settings

    Tuning your phone's sound is certainly not a trick but finding the Adapt Sound feature can be practically impossible if you don’t know where to look. So  head over to the Settings App and open “Sounds and vibration”.

    Now search for the “Sound quality and effects” tab option, which can be found at the bottom of the menu. Finally, you will be able to find the “Adapt Sound” menu on this screen, so select it and then select “Personalize sound” to begin tweaking. 

    Step 2: Take The Hearing Test to Improve The Sound Quality on Your Galaxy

    The Adapt Sound menu will request that you  plug or pair your earphones with the device and find a quiet place. Once you’re ready, press the “Start” button and the system will begin playing a series of faint sounds with different frequencies.

    After each frequency, the system will ask you whether you can hear the beep, so answer as you continue through the hearing test. The phone will continue to create a sound profile which is personalized to your ears as it continues the test for a couple of minutes.

    Step 3: Enjoy your Personalized Sound Profile

    Once the personalized profile is ready, Adapt Sound will end the hearing test by asking you which ear you prefer for phone calls. The new sound profile which has been set with your feedback will be applied system-wide to help you get an amazing audio experience.

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